The Outside

Some days are so nice you can’t help but be drawn outside, even if the comforts of the private space of one’s home are hard to depart

Or you can just look everything through the window like my cat…


Sadly, SFAI, the San Francisco Art Institute closed. I’ve made many trips there, alone or with friends. Perched on Russian Hill, not too far from the water, the building boasts a Diego Rivera mural and is an old church. The building itself is a work of art.

Operating in the bay is just expensive, but it’s a bummer they went. The view from there was tremendous. I’ll include some photos below (some I took and others from online). An old artist friend attended there, too, and one of my favorite college professors, Dale Carrico, lectured there.

Just thinking about it makes me want to make an art trip to the bay, maybe to the SF MOMA…

From online

Visiting The Sister

Nice to see my sister today. Read some fairytales, caught up a bit, listened to some Animal Collective and went outside into the courtyard where she napped in the shade. We can’t post photos of her, but here is one of us outside.

Candy, Candy, Candy

By chance, I came across this candy, but it turned out to be really good. Not overwhelmingly or excessively sweet, it has a subtle but fruity taste, and made in Bavaria. Strong recommend.

The Person

The person or the “I” is not, on one account, a single “thinglike being” but a “unity of experiences“ existing over time which does not necessarily follow or adhere to a discernible logic.

So, in some sense, when we refer to ourselves we are referring to a changing being, a changing consciousness unified by a body and name (and maybe a soul…if you believe in that…I do…although I don’t think Heidegger does).