Living Longer

I’m showing my age when I post something like this, but I was watching this 60 minutes interview about lessons 90+ individuals have for living longer lives (from an ongoing study accessible here:

Some top tips for longer life:

Top tips

  • 15-45 mins of exercise across the day intense or not intense like walking or stretching (could be broken up across the day)
  • Some socializing and social activities
  • Some small amount of alcohol ok (1-2 drinks)
  • 1-3 cups of coffee a day ok
  • some weight is OK, at weight or somewhat overweight (being obese not as good), underweight not good
  • no smoking or minimize smoking (bummer)
  • lots of remaining questions about what protects from/leads to dementia/memory related issues

Just A Little Bit Everyday

A long time ago, I ran a half marathon. Now, I am not going to brag and pretend my finishing time was anything even remotely good (I must’ve banished the exact number from my memory).

But something I learned from the training is that something big like that, most can do it: it just takes a little bit of effort everyday, and gradually you build up to doing more. At first, you only run a mile, then couple of miles, and then four the next weekend and then six or eight the following. Eventually, after a few months, you can actually manage all 13.1 miles.

I don’t know if I’ll ever do that again, but I like feeling like I could.