Bev and Bob Are Down

I have been doing a fair amount of overtime recently but that doesn’t keep me from exploring the far reaches of YouTube. A friend shared this one recently, and they’re kind of funny. Go Bev and Bob!

Seinfeld, On Timing

This clip is so interesting to me, several parts of it. First, J Seinfeld talks about timing, timing with jokes and timing with life decisions: he says he always had a knack for timing, when he should do things in his life, that helped him. Second, he talks about the importance of not over-doing a thing. He was offered 110 million to do another season of Seinfeld, but his gut told him this was too much. Doing another season, he thought, would sour the relationship Seinfeld, the show, had with its audience. In this sense, he compared it to a comedy set: you can be doing a great comedy set, on his view, but if you go on too long, it sours, and that’s how people remember it: going on too long. I respect Seinfeld for this. Great art is also about knowing when to stop, not just to keep following the money.