Seeing the Sis

Spent some time with Anne today, after a short hiatus. I read her some Chekhov (stopped before I bored her), listened to some Outside Lands playlists and the nature documentary Our Planet, which she likes. She was active today, and seemed healthy.

Visiting The Sister

Nice to see my sister today. Read some fairytales, caught up a bit, listened to some Animal Collective and went outside into the courtyard where she napped in the shade. We can’t post photos of her, but here is one of us outside.

Progress with Anne: Challenge, Struggle, Overcoming

Finally, after months of calls, check-ins, meetings and planning, we found Anne a new place to be. And the hospital was not as helpful as you might think with the process. In any event, I cannot overstate the relief I feel. And I’m proud of my work here. After exploring dozens of places, I found a workable facility where she can get the care she needs so we can focus on her wellness and eventually getting her closer to home. Social work skills FTW.