On My Parents

Yesterday was their 36th wedding anniversary. I admire them a lot for this. Commitment can be rough sometimes. And I imagine it hasn’t always been easy.

An older friend once told me how marriages don’t just have good days and bad days but good years and bad years. What a thought.

On Mexico’s Next President

Cartels effectively control about 1/4 of Mexican territory, according to US reports, and politicians running for office are routinely targeted and sometimes assassinated.

Hopefully this President is more aggressive about dealing with the problem.

Some references:



On Orangutans

In a college course a long time ago, I wrote a paper on orangutans. They are the smartest primates, aside from humans. They can watch humans and use tools (washing clothes, cutting, sawing, hammering, etc) and have even been known to use tools to get out of their cages. Their main limitation with tools is that they cannot make the tools. Apparently, they can even recognize themselves in mirrors.