Male Inequality

Videos like this are pretty eye-opening. Men lag behind women in several critical educational attainment areas, from primary school up to college. Part of it has to do with the female brain developing sooner than the male brain on average, and so men do less well sooner in school, and then, once they fall behind, the disadvantage tends to compound over time. There is a 15% gap in college degree attainment between men and women now (men being behind).

Not to mention, men die sooner, six years on average, have higher homelessness rates and more. Moreover, industrial jobs that used to employ mostly men have been moved overseas in the US at high rates and there hasn’t been the same investment in educational/training programs focused on these areas.

As well, health related and teaching related jobs strongly tend female, even though men and boys can benefit greatly from positive male role models in these areas.

Fatherlessness and children born out of wedlock also deprive boys of important role models, making them less likely to do well in school and later on in life.

Moreover, and this is the concluding point: encouraging men to develop their purpose and find their purpose is important, and currently our society is failing men in this way.

Lots of popularly-overlooked information that is important to consider when thinking about inequality.

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