The Unknown

The unknown can be scary. It is scary as much for what it is as for what it could be. When we fear something happening, sometimes it is the fear itself that overcomes us, even as the actual event might end up paleing in comparison. I can think of so many situations I thought would be terrible but ended up being not so bad, and I got through (although some situations do just suck, too, and we have to just grin and bear them).

Sometimes you gotta just try and get through, no matter what, and things get better, and try not to let an active imagination or hard feelings paralyze your action (that’s my struggle, at least).

Sometimes just doing something that makes good sense is the right answer, even if it isn’t perfect. Instead of thinking through every possible eventuality and missing the window of opportunity, when action makes most sense, one sometimes must just act.

But also, it’s about being able to weather the unknown and its inherent discomfort: the discomfort of the unknown. Moving forward is so often the answer, and just hanging on through the toughness (or long enough until you get comfortable with the uncomfortable).

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