The Grandmaster, A Brief Review

An account of the life of the legendary Ip Man, famed Chinese martial artist, his rise to fame, his rivalry with Gong Er, a female martial artist, and his exploits. A great Hong Kong action drama/
love story with exhilarating, beautifully-choreographed fight scenes and a philosophical aura.

The Thin Red Line, A Brief Review

Another Terrence Malick great. A phenomenal war film more interested in the individual views of people and their thoughts on life and death and the meaning of life itself rather than the glorification of war. Very philosophical. Stellar cast and serene, tropical visuals.

Sidenote: a well known Heideggerian thinker at Berkeley talked a lot about how this film exemplified Heidegger’s philosophy, which influenced Malick a lot

Throwness, A Concept

I quite appreciate Heidegger’s formulation of ‘throwness’, and I think it very accurately states the existential situation all of us find ourselves in, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. He was a coward politically, but some of his ideas turned out to be influential.

Asteroid City, A Brief Review

A film about a play about a diverse group of actors, scientists, brainiacs, cowboys and Catholics who curiously end up together in the middle of nowhere trying to cope with unfolding otherworldly events much like how we are here together trying to make sense of our world everyday.

On Terrence Malick

Terrence Malick is pretty interesting. Best known for his films such as Tree of Life (starring Brad Pitt), which won the top award at the Cannes Film Festival, and the acclaimed war film, The Thin Red Line, he also nearly completed a PhD in Philosophy on a Rhodes Scholarship, failing to do so only over a disagreement with his advisor over the meaning of a concept in Heidegger’s thought. Still, he went on to translate a book of Heidegger’s (which is no small feat), and taught at MIT before transitioning to film. Now he’s pretty reclusive, apparently. What a life…