Godland, A Brief Review

In this Heart-of-Darkness like tale, an anxious Danish missionary traverses a virgin Iceland, only to find he is not the godly person he thought himself to be, and, as the vestments of civilization are shed, and his true, violent and cruel self is revealed. What will become of him?

Dogtooth, A Brief Review

“Dogtooth,” Y Lanthimos, 2006, Greece. In a visually-compelling but emotionally-disturbing drama, an abusive father confines his adult children to a home compound, elaborately structuring their lives and shielding them from any outside influence, until one day…

Inland Empire, A Brief Review

“Inland Empire,” 2006, D Lynch, US. An actress reprises a role that becomes all too real, and as she loses her grip on reality, a bizarre alternate one consumes her. Shot on a camcorder and without a finished screenplay this surrealist thriller is a troubling, artful fever dream.