Disintegration Loops

I’ve always enjoyed these loops, by William Basinski. It is the same looped melody, which slowly degrades over the course of the hour duration of the track. It was inspired by Basinki’s experience of the destruction of the twin towers, having witnessed it from across the water, from Brooklyn. Oddly, I find a lot of peace in this track, in its predictability, peace in the chaos of the world, in the eternal recurrence of life.

Sadness and Melancholy

I’ve always enjoyed and found contentment in the melancholy, the space where one must reflect and try to understand the hard feelings of the world. I think it’s given me a special tolerance for sadness, and probably explains my interest in helping others. Not everyone can deal with pity, or with hard feelings, but that’s where I think the magic is, where we become stronger through struggle and overcoming.