Piranhas, A Brief Review

Piranhas, Italy, 2019, Claudio Giovannesi. An Italian youth and his teenage friends, plagued by restlessness, are captivated by the sparkling spoils of life in organized crime in Naples. But Nicola, like Icarus, learned the hard way what happens when you fly too close to the sun.

The Third Murder, A Review

The Third Murder, Hirokazu Koreeda, 2018, Japanese. A defense attorney does what he can to defend a confessed murderer, even as his culpability becomes less certain with every moment. A central question: what is truth and how does it relate to memory and our institutions of justice? Recommend.

John Adams, A Review

John Adams, 2008, HBO. I really enjoyed this miniseries, which follows the life of John Adams in the first days of the state delegations to the Continental Congress up to the 50th anniversary of the nation. Paul Giamatti stars, and Laura Linney plays a great Abigail Adams. John is shown to be a stubborn but principled statesman, hardboiled and hard to defer. A great watch if you’re interested in colonial history and the various theories that went into the drafting of our Constitution, which play out still today.