A Place Beyond

She got along with her family, did a lot out of obligation, though.

She liked him because he seemed pretty ok with who he was. He didn’t think they would work though.

The biker gang prepared free meals at the park. He sat down for coffee with his friends there. They invited him over, had known him for a while. One was applying to law school. His other close friend spent hours poring over financial data, doing strategic planning.

He met her for coffee later. She told him that she could see his brokenness in his eyes, exhaustion in the dark circles. He just laughed.

He felt so tired. He couldn’t bother to make the effort most days. Where had all his energy gone? His youth? He was searching for it somewhere.

The cars drove by, under the underpass. They threw cans at them, watched their blurred colors. As the night wore on, they just saw lights on lights. Heard the sirens and the horns. What the fuck were they doing there?

This barren landscape.

There wasn’t anything else for miles around. They could see the hills in the distance but only unfolding fields until then.

The wind swept up and blew them back a little. She felt the curdoury on her skin, liked how it felt. He glanced at her.

Someone drove a little to close to them, and he yelled “fuck you asshole”

He threw a rock at the car. “Dick should’ve been looking.”

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