Dreissig, Thoughts

I really enjoyed Dreissig, Simona Kostova’s debut film, and its exploration of what it means to be young and listless, seeking fun and finding meaning in friends and the present moment. There is a meandering quality to it, and it brought up memories of bar-hopping, no real destination, restlessly seeking some fun, distraction or a scene. Or waking up in the morning and not knowing why we get up. But also, it interrogates how being thirty means being on the border of feeling obligated to have things figured out, settled. There is also a fair amount of struggle, envy, rejection, pain and a lot of asking: what is the meaning of it all? I think we tend to gloss over these questions because of the difficulty of really facing and answering them, and when we do, the meaninglessness of how we live builds up, and only when we start to really take some time to reflect do we see what really matters: what is here, the people we love, and the moments we share. In one scene, an inebriated woman at a bar whispers to a strange man that it is not cancer that will kill us, but loneliness, which seems all the more prescient given the toll the pandemic has had (the film is from 2019). Great long shots too, sometimes with little actual action and a more reflective immersion into the aura of the environment. Pretty visuals, too. Highly recommend a watch although I can’t exactly say how you should go about watching it: it’s not really out.