Rhythms of the everyday


I am watching a German show about a crime scene cleaner, and the show opens with a catchy song with a steady 1-2-3 beat (drummers only). What I appreciate about the show is its concern with the everydayness of our lives. The rhythm of this song parallels the routine beats we follow, the same routine every morning, the same beat. Somehow, we find a way to do it everyday.

The show itself is concerned with a laborer, someone who is not famous or popular but is all the more exceptional for this reason. He stands up for what he believes in, even if there is nobody there to see him do it, and he is driven by a felt, instinctual sense of what is right, not but some artificially constructed moral framework.

He is a model in some ways, but also he’s just another guy who’s into blonde girls, soccer and wants to be a dad someday.

Meanwhile, I have been reading a fair amount of Hannah Arendts interpretation and defense of Marxist thought. She describes how he is interested in treating laborers with the same political equality some others had had up to the point of the industrial revolution. This theory comes at a propitious time.

Great show.