So Long

I could have stayed here with you forever, but you decided you didn’t want any part of that

And for this reason, and others, I can no longer stay here: it is time for me to go

Dating In Capitalism

I am also observing something real and tangible: social relations between people are always and forever, under this system, immersed in a system of commodity relations, and these relations have, in their after-effect, left us with the thought and the impression that people, too, are commodities to be exchanged, changed and used for a person’s own particular purposes, until they no longer serve a use for that person (marx called this use-value). This is a difference that makes a difference from a conception of dating which involves a ‘meeting of souls’ or something perhaps even judeo-christian in its emphasis on the eternal connection of two beings. Whether one is good or bad is up to each of us to choose. But these two conceptions of dating, along with others, persist and sometimes converge and sometimes conflict.

No More

True love is little more than a fiction used to cover up the bald-faced reality that dating in capitalism is little more than the placement of the object of the self on a different kind of market