
Holding more tightly,
       thinking we can
Grip more rightly
Make the thing do
    the thing we want it
To do
Opening up
Letting go
Letting up
Letting be
These do not come to me
But we all have
The capacity to become
And change and develop
And I can learn 
      To let be, let go
The tighter the vice, 
     The more it pushes
The other to go
But we can
     To some extent
Control ourselves
This is really all we can do
And I should do
If there is one thing I have learned
It is this
     But I we all forget
And learning is something I
Need do again and again
One day I hope to be
    Where I want to be
But where will I want to be then?
All I can be now
Is the strongest person I can
And the rest I can little

I cannot control much, even as I have tried to do so, and when all I should really be trying to control is myself, even if I have spent so much time ensuring that I have this or that when it comes to others

I am at a moment of great personal change, and I am facing the challenges. I feel some anxiety and some uncertainty, but it is part and parcel of not knowing what is to come

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