
Somehow, the world is peopled and thing-ed and building-ed, and I think I’m safe in speculating that many of these things, at least the manmade ones come from some odd moment, some burst of euphoria, some connection or fashioning or forging of ideas making something be that wasn’t, something that perhaps could change the world somehow. This is easy to see when thinking about the Atomic Bomb, which was almost immediately decried, even by its creator or by the space ship, some that vaulted us into the stars. It’s harder to see this in blogs, I think, but it is just as important we get our opinions out somehow.

As my first manifesto (and man am I full of ’em), I declare that this here electronic territory to be hallowed joe-ground. This doesn’t mean that I’m doing anything significant, nor even anything tangible really. I’m just here because I can’t sleep and because others can’t either.

So, sometimes, I’ll post thoughts I have when I can’t sleep or other memes that might interest others when they can’t either. We light sleepers must huddle up and watch out for one another, as there is a noisy, loud, bright, active, annoying and daylike world out there.

So stop by, stay a while, have some fun or don’t. I don’t really care.

And with that, I bid you good evening.